Dental emergencies impact adults, kids, and older people frequently. Because dental crises often signify various issues, it can be hard to determine which one is the most prevalent. Their most well-known characteristic is their requirement for treatment from an emergency dentistry clinic to halt bleeding, reduce discomfort, and likely prevent tooth loss.
However, they require a visit to an emergency dental clinic near you within 24 hours to stop bleeding, relieve oral pain and suffering, and save a tooth. Not all dental issues are considered emergencies because of their seriousness.
Most Common Emergencies
- Dental Decay
Tooth decay is a common problem almost everyone has, resulting from poor oral hygiene practices and a lack of dental exams and cleanings. Too much consumption of starchy and sugary meals also contributes to tooth damage.
Following your dentist near you advise, brushing and flossing regularly can completely avoid tooth decay. These procedures assist in getting rid of the food debris and dental plaque continually building up on your teeth and causing enamel erosion on and in between your teeth. Cavities caused by enamel degradation require simple treatments from dental clinic that offer dental fillings.
- Gum Illness
Another problem that can be mainly avoided by practicing good dental hygiene is gum disease, necessitating dentist trips. It is important to remove dental plaque that has hardened into Tartar on and between your teeth before it extends below your gum line and causes gingivitis, the first stage of this issue.
With the help of our dentist in Pitt Meadows, your dental hygiene practice and deep cleaning of your teeth will remove hardened Tartar that has built up below the gum line and stop the problem from progressing to periodontitis. When gingivitis turns into periodontitis, it weakens the jawbone, makes it difficult to chew food, bleeds during cleaning and flossing, and can even result in tooth loss.
Additionally, there is no known treatment for periodontitis, which necessitates lifelong maintenance through regular checkups with a dentist and may potentially put you at risk for procedures like flap surgery, bone grafts, etc.
The most common dental crises that people have outside of the ones above are toothaches, unintentional tooth loss, dental abscesses, lost fillings or dental restorations, broken orthodontics, etc. Even though some of these issues might not require emergency dental care, accidental tooth loss is an exception.
- Tooth Knocked
If you want to save the tooth in your hands or on the ground, you need immediate care from an emergency dental service dentist within 30 minutes. To have the tooth you have in your possession secured to the neighbouring teeth so that its roots can reattach after a few months, you must seek emergency dental care as soon as possible.
You don’t need to wait until you have a dental emergency to contact a dentist. Follow your dentist’s advice and have your teeth cleaned every six months. You can avoid the most frequent and infrequent dental emergencies by having a treatment plan to refer to. Unless you neglect a cavity in your tooth or sustain injuries to your mouth and ignore the problem until it becomes severe, it is unlikely that you will ever get a dental abscess.
Although not among the most frequent dental emergencies, knocked-out teeth can happen. All other dental problems can be controlled by routine visits to the Weston dentist, who is always eager to help people avoid dental emergencies.
How to Respond to a Dental Emergency?
In the same way that there are first aid procedures to follow in the event of a medical emergency, there are steps you may take in the event of a dental emergency to alleviate pain, stop bleeding, and limit damage. At the same time, you wait to see a dentist. Following the guidelines below, you can administer first aid in a dental emergency.
- If it has been knocked out, pick up the tooth by the crown and rinse it gently without touching the root. Rinse the tooth gently without brushing it; if feasible, try to place it back in its socket. If not, place the missing tooth in a glass of milk and get emergency dental care.
- Rinse your mouth out completely with warm water if you have a toothache. To get food caught between your teeth, gently floss. Avoid touching the tooth or gum tissues with painkillers, and schedule an appointment with a dentist soon.
- Apply a cold compress to the affected area and rinse your mouth if your tooth is fractured, chipped, or cracked to reduce swelling. Immediately seek dental care.
- When dealing with soft tissue injuries in the mouth, carefully wipe the afflicted region with water, use a cold compress to stop the bleeding, and consult a dental expert immediately.
To draw out pus and lessen discomfort if you have an abscessed tooth, thoroughly rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution. Go to the dentist as soon as you can.
Consult Our Dentist
Marigold Dental Clinic can assist you if you require immediate dental care. As a result, you can help yourself by coming to this clinic anytime you experience a typical dental emergency.